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Scientific Research Journal

Scirj Volume V, Issue XII, December 2017 Edition
ISSN: 2201-2796

Publication starts: 25th December 2017
Full Paper available from: 25th December 2017

Dr. Tamrin Lanori, S.E., M.Si.

Abstract: Strategic Human Resource Management Competencies (SHRMC) is a suitable approach to the current environment of entrepreneurial economy characterised by rapid and flexible changes in the market place, it begins with brief overview on international and personnel management approaches to demonstrate their incompatibility with the business environment that emerged in 1980s. Following, it explores the nature and characteristics of Strategic Human Resource Management and discusses the different typologies of organisational strategies that call for particular patterns of employees and Human Resource Management policies to drive competencies. With this in mind, it mentions the importance of external environment consideration for effective strategies de sign within the organization for instance, competencies strategy, leadership enhancement, as well as the management of change. Finally, it considers that the implication of the information economy led Human Resource Management to broaden its concerns to the management of intangible assets in particular the recent Dynamic Capabilities concept.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 1-6

Effect of work stress on auditor performance in the financial audit board of the republic of Indonesia representative of North Sulawesi province
Jolly. L. R. Turangan, Jeane .Ch. Lasut, Ferry. J. Sendow, Merry .L. Sael

Abstract: The purpose of this research to determine the effect of job stress on auditor performance. The research is located in the financial inspection body of the Indonesian republic, representative of North Sulawesi province. The method used in data collection, namely: using questionnaires, interviews and direct observation in the field, using respondents as much as thirty-five auditors. Data analysis model used in this research, including instrument test and hypothesis test by using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that in t test the level of work stress affects the performance of auditors at the financial auditing body of the Indonesian republic, representative of North Sulawesi province, although not significant because work stress affect only performance as much as 0.02%. Based on the result of simple linear regression test with sig value 0,808> 0,05 and t count 0,245 <1,696 from t value table, so it can be concluded that work stress does not have significant effect.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 7-15

Isolation and Characterization of Phytase-Producing thermophilic Bacteria from Sulili Hot Springs in South Sulawesi
Hafsan, Ilham Ibnu Irwan, L Agustina, A Natsir, A Ahmad

Abstract: This study aimed to isolate and select and identify phytase-producing thermophilic bacteria from Sulili hot springs in the district Pinrang South Sulawesi, Indonesia. water and sediment samples were obtained from Sulili hot springs the district Pinrang, South Sulawesi. Isolation was done using Luria Bertani (LB) medium at 60°C for 1 x 24 hours. The twelve isolates of thermophilic bacteria have been obtained, five of them have the ability to produce phytase. Signed by the formation of a clear zone around the colonies grown on medium screening LB + Ca-phytate. Five isolates were then selected, three of whom are selected based isolates widest phytase activity qualitatively. Morphological characteristics and biochemical nature of the three selected isolates have indicated belong to genera of Bacillus. Each has likeness with Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus stearothermophillus from Sulili hot springs have obtained three isolates of thermophilic bacteria showed likeness with Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus stearothermophillus.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 16-19

The effect of skills and ethics to the auditor quality in the inspectorate of Talaud Islands District North Sulawesi-Indonesia
Nixon Sondakh, Treesje A.C. Langi, Roslina H.S.D. Limpeleh

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical evidence, of the influence of expertise and ethics on the quality of auditors at the inspectorate of Talaud Islands districts. Supervision over the implementation of local government, conducted in stages ranging from the district / city, provincial to the central level. This research was conducted in the inspectorate of Talaud Islands district. The selected sample is 30 respondents as auditor. The analysis model used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regressions. Independent variable in this research is skill and ethics, while the dependent variable in this research is auditor quality. The results of this research indicate that the influence of expertise on the quality of auditors is positive and significant. The visible position of the skill regression coefficient is 0.595 and significant, because the value of t arithmetic> t table (7.083> 2.013). Significant influence indicates that expertise plays an important role in improving the quality of the auditor. While the influence of ethics on the quality of auditors is positive, but it is not significant. The visible position of the skill regression coefficient is 0.077 and not significant, because the value of t arithmetic
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 20-24

Farouq Ado Umarand Newborn Courage Oghenerume

Abstract: A Survey was carried out to determine seat belt compliance of drivers and Front Seat Passengers (FSP) in Petroleum Training Institute Effurun. The Main Gate and Access Gate were the Sampling Locations. Physical observational count carried out for 40 days (1stMay – 23rdJune 2017) at two locations. Out of 3190 cars, 2305 were in compliance representing 72.26%. Out of 42 buses, only 8 were in compliance representing 19.05% and out of 13 trucks, only 2 were in compliance representing 15.38%. Drivers have higher compliance level than FSP and the compliance obtained at Access Gate (79.61%) was higher than that of Main Gate (67.58%). The entire study area has collective driver compliance of 71.34% (all vehicles) indicating 2315 drivers out of 3245 drivers were in compliance, while 930 drivers were not in compliance i.e., 28.66%. The front seat passenger (FSP) compliance indicated only 33.23% that is 332 FSP out of 999 FSP in all the Vehicles. Enforcement of the “No seat belt no Entry” by the security at both gates will go a long way in boosting compliance level. Likewise, frequent enlightenment of the staff for the need to remain belted until one reaches the designated parking lots.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 25-30

Perceptions of Libyans Senior Officials on Foreign Direct Investment Issues and Challenges
Salem Abdulla

Abstract: The economic development needs of developing countries require capital accumulation, which is no longer an easy task, even for industrialised countries. Although borrowing remains an important alternative, it has proved to be an expensive method in the long run. Consequently, to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), developing countries have been liberalising their economies, which is expected to contribute to job creation and income generation. The paper aims to answer the research questions of whether or not Libyan experiment of FDI is successful, to what extent are the senior Libyan officials aware of the importance of the inward flow of FDI to boost the process of economic development? What are the strategies involved, and what are the difficulties or challenges facing the improving of the business environment?
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 31-37

Echekoba, F.N.

Abstract: In the aftermath of the global financial crisis that rocked the world in 2007, there has been growing efforts to review the oversight of financial markets and specifically financial institutions globally. The crisis which saw the demise of long standing institutions such as Lehman Brothers underscored the importance of the regulation of global financial markets. Central Banks worldwide have been apportioned some of the blame in the episode for falling asleep at the wheel, investigations and inquiries into the crisis exposed the fact that many Central Bankers were not in tangent with the developments in the financial markets and in some cases did not have a clear handle and understanding of the many instruments that were introduced into the markets. Consequently, many governments have made radical changes to their Central Banking operations in a bid to ensure better oversight of their economies. The main discourse over Central Banking has been the separation or alignment of the two main activities of the banks –microeconomic and macroeconomic regulation. There is no clear cut consensus from studies into these variants that one option supersedes the other. Thus it can be argued that there are other variables in specific economies that should come in to play in arriving at this decision. Whatever approach may be adopted, it is a very important role that sets the tone for economic development in any country. Like its counterparts worldwide, the Central Bank of Nigeria also contemplated making changes to its operational structure. This work reviewed the role of the Central Bank of Nigeria in prudential regulation and recommended an approach that would work for a developing country like Nigeria.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 38-47

The Determinants of Regional Competitiveness in Indonesia
Ridwan, Basri Hasanuddin, Muhammad Amri, Madris

Abstract: This study aims to map the competitiveness of regions and to examine the influence of health, education, infrastructure, institutional, and information and communication technology (ICT) on competitiveness both directly and through government spending and private investment. The data used are cross section 33 provinces in Indonesia and time series 2010-2016. Standardized scores were used to calculate competitiveness scores based on four indicators: productivity, GRDP per capita, employment and household consumption expenditure per capita. The simultaneous equation model is used to analyze the effect of the driven factors on competitiveness. The study indicates that provinces with high competitiveness are dominated by provinces based on natural resources and / or provinces based on industry and services sectors. The driven factors that have a significant effect on competitiveness are the level of labor education, the availability of infrastructure and ICT. Health and institutions factors have not effectively contributed directly to improving competitiveness. The results of this study require the workforce to improve the quality of education and skills in order to contribute to improve productivity and employment. The availability of infrastructure and ICTs is important to attract investments that ultimately drive increased competitiveness.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 48-55

The Empowerment Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) At the Office of Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade (KOPERINDAG) in Palopo City
Muhammad Aris

Abstract: The problem describe in this research in to identify Empowerment Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) At the Office of Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade (KOPERINDAG) in Palopo City, Indonesia. The research uses a combined approach between quantitative and qualitative approaches. This research was conducted at the Office of Cooperatives, UMKM, Industry and Trade City Palopo. The total population is 89 people and the number of samples in this study is 47 people. The sampling technique used in this research is by using purposive sampling technique. Survey method using questionnaire instrument will be used to obtain primary data. the strategy of empowering micro, small and medium enterprises by the Office of Koperindag in Palopo City runs very optimal (very good). The strategy that has been formulated has even been implemented as expected. The initial phase research results indicate that overall Koperindag in Palopo City has developed strategy formulation in empowering and developing UMKM through training, counseling and policy. Furthermore, the empowerment strategy undertaken by Koperindag in Palopo City there are inhibiting factors and supporting factors.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 56-62

Netty Endrawati

Abstract: Indonesia is a decentralized unitary state, which means that some part of government affairs are handed over to local authorities which arise to the autonomous regional government. Based on the principle of local autonomy, land service is the obligatory of local government, but in practice the government still retains most of its authority in the area of land that shifts back and forth between government and local governments in the administration of the affairs of the land. The results of the analysis of several laws related to the affairs of local government and land administration show that there are inconsistencies in the affairs of the authority setting of the land sector. Some rules of law stated that the authority for land is on government affairs, while in some statutory rules mentioned that the local governments with its regional autonomy is given a real and has broad authority to administer the affairs of the land in its territory. However, government still holds land affairs because the Indonesian Government has no "political will" to implement a full autonomy, it also because of the influence of political national land law which still gives orders to the state as the ruling body on land owned by the Indonesian people to realize the maximum benefit of the people. Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize the rules by doing material test (judiciel review) or a holistic form of formal rules (national policy) that can bridge the relationship between the government and the local government especially in the administration of affairs in the land sector.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 63-73

Effects of Locations On- and Off- Epigeal Termitaria on Vegetation Lifeforms in Katolo Sub-Location of Kisumu County, Kenya
Wyclife Agumba Oluoch, Boniface Oluoch Oindo, Paul Abuom

Abstract: Epigeal termitaria host richer vegetation assemblages ascribed partly to their elevated nutrients levels in savannah ecosystems. However, elaborate quantitative description of how abundance of various vegetation lifeforms (trees, shrubs, lianas and grass) vary with on-mound and off-mound locations has not been clearly studied. Therefore, the paper in hand endeavored to find out the influence of on-mound and off-mound locations on vegetation lifeforms abundance in Katolo Sub-Location of Kisumu County, Kenya. Termite mounds population in the study area was not known. Therefore, cross sectional descriptive research design was adopted. Using saturated sampling, a total of sixty accessible mounds of at least 0.11m in basal radius and corresponding off-mound plots were selected for the study. Number of trees, shrubs and lianas was arrived at by visual counting and recording while grass population was approximated by use of a quadrat. One way ANOVA was employed to determine significant difference in means of vegetation lifeforms abundance based on location on and off-mound. The results showed that location on-mound and off-mound significantly (p≤0.05) influenced all vegetation lifeforms with all except grass being more abundant on termite mounds. The study recommends conservation of termite mounds in order to boost abundance of vegetation lifeforms within the study area.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 74-83

Tomato Plant Protection Management to Reduce Fusarium Wilt Disease by Utilizing Plant Growth Promothing Rizobacteria Pseudomonas alcaligenes
I Ketut Widnyana, IGN Alit Wiswasta, Anik Yuesti

Abstract: Tomato plants are susceptible to Fusarium wilt disease with a field attack rate of 10 to 20%. The research was conducted to get a simple and can be done by farmers by using Plant Growth Promothing Rizobacteria (PGPR). Research was conducted in the laboratory to determine the biochemical characteristics of rizobacteria and in the greenhouse to determine the effect on plant growth. Tests conducted on three isolates of bacteria P. alcaligenes which is the result of previous research. The results showed that the rhizobacteria tested were gram negative bacteria, did not produce enzyme oxidase, produced catalase enzyme, glucose fermentation, lactose and sucrose, did not produce gas and cyanide acid. The three rizobacterial isolates are able to spur the growth of tomato plants through soaking the seeds with PGPR suspense for 20-30 minutes. Application of P. alcaligenes isolates has been shown to increase total phenol content up to 262% and 606% salicylic acid in tomato plant tissue. Soaking tomato seeds with P. alcaligenessuspense suppressed the tomato wilt disease 44.44 - 55.56% and were able to increase the yield of 3 to 4 times more than the control plants.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 84-89

The Effect of External and Internal Factors on Entrepreneurship Competency and Competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) In Palu City
Farid, Abd. Rahman Kadir, Ria Mardiana Y., Idayanti Nursyamsi

Abstract: This research used a causality survey approach with data collected through questionnaires. The sample of the research was 171 respondents with the object of the actors/managers of MSMEs in Palu City. The research sample is determined proportionally on each business cluster based on predetermined criteria. Research data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling partial least square (SEM PLS). The result of the research shows that external factor of competitive scope has negative and insignificant effect on entrepreneurship competence but positive and significant to competitiveness of MSMEs. The external factors of dynamic capability have a positive and significant impact on the entrepreneurship competence and competitiveness of MSMEs in Palu City. Internal factor of organizational capability and potential of MSMEs have positive and significant impact to entrepreneurship competence but have positive and insignificant effect to competitiveness of MSMEs in Palu City.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 90-98

Dr. Cita Citrawinda

Abstract: The international agreement that has implications on IPR linked to living species and materials of relevance to the propagation of living species. Regulation regarding protection for microorganism has not been regulated in Indonesia. However, based on data from the Directorate General of the Intellectual property there has been 40 (forty) patent application filed in the last 25 years. Indonesia has not yet become a member of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure. Such microorganisms would no doubt satisfy the criteria of novelty, inventive steps, and usefulness for industrial applications. This article highlights the main changes of the new Indonesian Patent regarding the protection of patent for the microorganism. Indonesia is not yet to address the specific court case regarding microorganism.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 99-101

DR. Cita Citrawinda

Abstract: TRIPs Agreement provides the only multilateral comprehensive set of minimum standards and flexibilities relating to the enforcement of IP rights. The enforcement of IPR’s is the weakest aspect of IP systems in many developing countries including Indonesia. The TRIPs Agreement obliges member countries concerning the border measures on goods infringing intellectual property rights. Because of elevation infringement IP rights in Indonesia, so, then the Government of Indonesia issues new law and regulation to decrease infringement of IP rights in Indonesia. The protection and law enforcement of IPR aims to encourage the emergence of innovation, transfer, and dissemination of technology and obtained the mutual benefit of producers between users and knowledge of technology, by creating social and economic welfare as well as the balance between rights and obligations. Based on the data result of IP cases from Commercial Court, Jakarta obtained the considerable amount of IPR disputes filed. The article explains that the application of the law of IPR not only from one side but also of all legal aspects related to IPR.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 102-108

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